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At Pet Paddy, we take a fresh approach. Our Pet Supply Store grew out of our love for all animals. We provide almost everything you need to keep a happy pet in your home because we have pets in ours! We understand the special bond between pets and their owners, and we want to encourage that kind of love in everyone. Pet ownership is a rewarding responsibility, and with this in mind we continue to make sure that everyone who comes to us has a wide variety of options to keep a happy and healthy pet. As a result of our hard work, our customers constantly tell us how happy they are with their purchases. We just love when they share cute stories about their pets with us. Visit our shop section today and see how truly happy one of our products can make your pet.. We have a wide variety of options to choose from. Just have a look around and you’ll enter a true pet lover's paradise. We carry some of the best pet toys, supplies and much, much more. Shop today — your pet will thank you!

“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved”

George Sand

Modern Architecture


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07415 735077

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